Views: 2536
Last Modified: 28.03.2022


You can use standard ORM mechanisms to subscribe to iblock entity events:

use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\DataManager;
// iblock ID
$iblockId = 32;

// iblock object
$iblock = \Bitrix\Iblock\Iblock::wakeUp($iblockId);

// event manager
$em = \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventManager::getInstance();


Attention! At this moment, active iblock events support is not available.

Custom property types

You need to set an individual callback GetORMFields to add your own fields to entity when describing the property:

public static function GetUserTypeDescription()
    return [
        "GetORMFields" => array(__CLASS__, "GetORMFields"),

 * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Entity $valueEntity
 * @param \Bitrix\Iblock\Property $property
public static function GetORMFields($valueEntity, $property)

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